Construct Cigar from raw data
Construct Cigar from an array of CIGAR ops
previous alignedLength function had a bug and it is just a duplicate of ref_bases_covered
copy cigar
null CIGAR -- don't read!
get length of cigar
set length of cigar
allow foreach on Cigar
Get a cigar op from a single position in the Cigar string
Assign a cigar op at a single position in the Cigar string
Get a Slice of cigar ops from a range in the Cigar string
Get a Slice of cigar ops from a range in the Cigar string
Assign a range cigar ops over a range in the Cigar string
Format Cigar struct as CIGAR string in accordance with SAM spec
return the alignment length expressed by this Cigar
Represents a CIGAR string §1.4.6